Java applets in Notes 64-bit client not loading
by Richard Pajerski
Posted on Wednesday December 21, 2022 at 07:17PM in Technology
[February 2023 update: DOTS follow-up, SPR for applet bug]
A notable aspect of this bug is that there are no error logs (that I could find) to indicate something's wrong. Nothing in the Java Debug console, the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder, log.nsf, etc. You will see the Java coffee cup but I think most end users will not immediately interpret it as a problem:
This issue is probably not an inconvenience for most deployments since Java applets were never widely implemented in Notes (in my experience). But where applets are used, they can bring quite a bit of power (e.g. custom interfaces for any third-party system with a Java API -- databases, message queues and so on). The good news is that applets do still work in 32-bit Notes 12.0.2 and will likely be supported in Notes as long as Java 8 remains the default runtime.
More worryingly : "Array of Longs in LotusScript on a 12.0.2 64-bit client is not working"
I think the 64 bit version should still be viewed as a beta.
However, the main reason we won't be rolling out 12.0.2 is that embedded views are not working properly in 32 or 64 bit.
Posted by Glen on December 22, 2022 at 03:26 AM EST #
Hi Glen -- thanks for the tips! Can you elaborate on the embedded view problems?
Posted by Richard Pajerski on December 22, 2022 at 08:43 AM EST #
Hi Richard,
it's detailed in SPR#PSHECLULWM "Embedded views only show first category"
Posted by Glen on December 22, 2022 at 11:00 AM EST #